Home Costa BlancaJavea Miguel Angel Miguel Garcia. The Man With the Magic Chainsaw!

Miguel Angel Miguel Garcia. The Man With the Magic Chainsaw!

by Loraine Gostling

Almost all our local people all know the story behind Miguel Angel Miguel Garcia and his beautiful sculptures made after we lost so many trees in the 2016 fires.

Well, it has been a while since the photos of Miguel’s sculptures made headlines and thousands of “likes” on local groups and so we thought we should put together our own short video and share it it a little further via Youtube, along with the story of the “Man With the Magic Chainsaw”

But for those who do not, since June of 2017 local, county, provincial and foreign media have all praised the work of this talented man. In December 2017 he was almost finished all of the sculptures, as only four trunks remained to be done and then National television showed their interest in his art and even international media came to see this amazing work and recorded a short film about him.

Undoubtedly, Miguel’s totally voluntary work has been rewarded by the thousands who passed through the park and admired his work,  but when interviewed last year by reporters from Javea. com, he told them, “I would never have imagined that it would cause so much interest, in fact, people of Xàbia have asked me now to make sculptures for their gardens”. 

Well, we sure do not want any more devastating fires, but hope Miguel prospers with his amazing talent in the private sector for a long time to come


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