Home Local Info Rumour Spreads Like Wildfire!!

Rumour Spreads Like Wildfire!!

by Loraine Gostling

Following on from a post about the Holiday Horrors TV show on Wednesday night, a comment was made that the ISVH Volunteer Bomberos group could be closed down. This rumour was “nipped in the bud” swiftly by Graham Ward on the group but for those who may have missed it, here is his statement:- 

“There is a rumour going around that the Bomberos in Javea are to close down. This is not true. Nothing to worry about ! It’s nothing to do with training .We have all been correctly trained by our training officer and in the future are looking to receive the official certification that is required. It’s to do with the name Bomberos. As we are Voluntary we can’t use the name that’s all, something to do with a new law in Valencia. Only the Professional fire fighters can use the name ‘Bomberos’. We are still here and on call 24/7 just we will be called something else when the powers to be can agree in the new name. Hope that has cleared this up for you all, See you at the International Festival.”

A BIG relief to many that our brave fire-fighting lads are here to stay, albeit under a new name, which will probably never stick after all this time, but hey-ho, someone gets to do a lot of rubber stamping!


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